Sholes & Glidden Schreibmaschine
https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_850542 Beschreibung: Remington brachte seine Schreibmaschinen 1874 zu einem Preis von 125 Dollar auf den Markt, damals noch für einen Jahreslohn. Die neue Schreibmaschine verdankte einen Teil ihrer Identität den Nähmaschinen, die Remington kurz zuvor in seine Produktlinie aufgenommen hatte. Die Schreibmaschine war auf einem Nähmaschinenständer montiert, mit einem Trittbrett, um den Wagenrücklauf zu betätigen…
Sholes & Glidden Machine à caractères
https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_850542 Description: Remington mit ses machines à écrire sur le marché en 1874 au prix de 125 dollars, soit un an de salaire. La nouvelle machine à écrire devait une partie de son identité aux machines à coudre que Remington avait récemment ajoutées à sa gamme de produits. La machine à écrire était montée sur…
Sholes & Glidden Type Writer
https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/nmah_850542 Description: Remington put its writing machines on the market in 1874 at a price of $125. The new Type Writer owed some of its identity to the sewing machines that Remington had recently added to its product line. The writing machine came mounted on a sewing machine stand, with a treadle to operate…
Where Did the QWERTY Keyboard Come From?
From laptops to iPhones, the first successful typewriter’s keyboard layout lives on https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/origins-qwerty-keyboard-typewriter-180982726 Nick Yetto History Correspondent September/October 2023 Sholes and Glidden gussied up an early model with floral ornaments, in imitation of sewing machines. In 1866, Christopher Latham Sholes, a Wisconsin newspaper publisher and former state senator, co-invented an automated machine to number coupons…
Alternative key layouts safer than QWERTY
“While the amount of movement on a particular key is exactly the same in the keyboards we used, the problem is the large number of times you have to go to the top and bottom rows using QWERTY,” said Dr. Rick Robertson of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. “As soon as you move from…
The Case Against QWERTY
An exhibit in the basement of the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution (1992), Washington DC. (Photo taken by and courtesy of the Smithsonian.) Above is a photo of the display in the Smithsonian. Above is a catalogue of items with their explanation below. 1. The Case Against QWERTY, The Typewriter Keyboard in the…
Quantification of Tendon Excursion Through Kinematic Analysis of Typing Movements on Alternative Keyboard Layouts
Conference Proceedings Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics Stanford University Stanford, California 24-26 August 1995 QUANTIFICATION OF TENDON EXCURSION THROUGH KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF TYPING MOVEMENTS ON ALTERNATIVE KEYBOARD LAYOUTS M.M Rannery1, R.N. Robertson2,3, R.A Cooper2,3 1Biomedical Engineering Department California State University, Sacramento95819 2Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of Pittsburg,Medical Center,…
The Costs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
The QWERTY keyboard layout dates from 1873, the same as the barbed wire patents which tamed the American west. A paper from the publication Hand, compared the costs of wrists crippled from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. In the past, treatments were divided between two options, surgery, or non surgery. In 2006, there were 577,000 carpal tunnel…