Tag: Soule
De onde surgiu o teclado QWERTY?
De laptops a iPhones, o primeiro layout de teclado de máquina de escrever bem-sucedido continua vivo https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/origins-qwerty-keyboard-typewriter-180982726 Nick Yetto Correspondente de História Setembro/Outubro 2023 Sholes e Glidden enfeitaram um modelo antigo com ornamentos florais, imitando máquinas de costura. Em 1866, Christopher Latham Sholes, um editor de jornal de Wisconsin e ex-senador estadual, coinventou uma máquina…
Da dove viene la tastiera QWERTY?
Dai laptop agli iPhone, il layout della tastiera della prima macchina da scrivere di successo continua a vivere https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/origins-qwerty-keyboard-typewriter-180982726 Nick Yetto Corrispondente di storia Settembre/Ottobre 2023 Sholes e Glidden ricrearono un primo modello con ornamenti floreali, a imitazione delle macchine da cucire. Nel 1866, Christopher Latham Sholes, un editore di giornali del Wisconsin edex senatore…
Woher kommt die QWERTZ-Tastatur?
Vom Laptop bis zum iPhone lebt das Tastaturlayout der ersten erfolgreichen Schreibmaschine weiter https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/origins-qwerty-keyboard-typewriter-180982726 Nick Yetto Korrespondent für Geschichte September/Oktober 2023 Sholes und Glidden peppten ein frühes Modell mit floralen Ornamenten auf, die Nähmaschinen imitierten. Im Jahr 1866 war Christopher Latham Sholes, ein Zeitungsverleger ausWisconsin und ehemaliger Senator, Miterfinder einer automatisiertenMaschine zur Nummerierung von Coupons…
D’où vient le clavier QWERTY?
Des ordinateurs portables aux iPhones, la première disposition de clavier de machine à écrire à succès perdure https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/origins-qwerty-keyboard-typewriter-180982726 Nick Yetto Correspondant d’histoire Septembre/Octobre 2023 Sholes et Glidden ont créé un premier modèle avec des ornements floraux, à l’imitation des machines à coudre. En 1866, Christopher Latham Sholes, éditeur de journaux du Wisconsin etancien sénateur de…
Where Did the QWERTY Keyboard Come From?
From laptops to iPhones, the first successful typewriter’s keyboard layout lives on https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/origins-qwerty-keyboard-typewriter-180982726 Nick Yetto History Correspondent September/October 2023 Sholes and Glidden gussied up an early model with floral ornaments, in imitation of sewing machines. In 1866, Christopher Latham Sholes, a Wisconsin newspaper publisher and former state senator, co-invented an automated machine to number coupons…